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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Add pop-up text to an embeded sound file in a Google Blog post

Adding an embedded Wave file in a Google Blog can be fun and important but what about adding a little pizazz to it by showing pop up text along with the embedded media in your blog post at the same time.  For example, you want your blog visitor to hear a particular song, what can be more useful than to have the artist name and title show up when the blog visitor clicks on the embedded media.  Try it with mine below:

This is simply done by adding the following code while in HTML mode of your blog composer:

<embed width="250" height="50" autostart="false" loop="false" playcount="2" src="http://YOUR-PERSONAL-SOUNDFILE.wav" span title="YOUR OWN TEXT"></embed>

That's it, you are all set, ENJOY!

Note:  Blogger is very fussy with some codes, such as this one.  Once you are done editing this in HTML mode you will notice that upon going to compose mode and than back to HTML mode your wav will disappear. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Spice up your next blogpost - How to make any image animated on Google Blogs and websites!

This tutorial is actually so easy you are going to wonder why you never thought of it yourself. All you need is an image and a scrolling marquee html and you now have an animated picture on your blog post or even on your Google Blog sidebar within the Javascript/HTML Gadget.

Here is the code: 

<marquee><img src="http://yourimage.com></marquee>

Using an image of your own or one hosted from an outside website will work either way.  Simply upload the image or copy and paste the site where the image is being hosted.  Click on HTML at the top left while in compose mode of your Google Blog post and enter <marquee></marquee>.

Next while your mouse courser is in between <marquee></marquee> click on the image icon and choose one of the options below to upload your image to your Blog.

Add an image from your computer

Add another imageWe accept jpg, gif, bmp and png images, 8 MB maximum size

Or add an image from the web

Add another image
Learn more about using web images

You can even take an animated *.gif, like the one below, and add extra animation to it.  Just a quick note, for some reason animated *.gif images will not work hosted directly on a Google Blog.  If you wish to use an animated gif, it needs to be hosted from a website that supports animated gifs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Force readers to subscribe to your RSS with this cute subscribe now widget for blogger

Below is the code to add the following Subscribe now with Twitter, Facebook, RSS and Google Plus Buttons.  All you need to do is just copy and paste the code into a new Gadget change the highlighted text to your own information and you are set.

I have created another Subscribe now button, to get the code simply click the links below to view and even save the text documents.   At the bottom of the code is the code for google circles, if you wish to remove it, just delete the section at the end of the document that says:
<script type="text/javascript">mbgc='f5f5f5';ww='320';mbc='cecece';bbc='3F79D5';bmobc='3b71c6';bbgc='4889F0';bmoc='3F79D5';bfc='FFFFFF';bmofc='ffffff';tlc='cecece';tc='6a6a6a';nc='6a6a6a';bc='6a6a6a';l='y';fs='16';fsb='13';bw='100';ff='4';pc='4889F0';b='s'; pid='108709237685683796184';</script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://widgetsplus.com/google_plus_widget.js"></script>

Coffee Cup Subscribe Now - Download
Button Subscribe Now - Download

3D Social Network Icon Subscribe Now - Download

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Elizabeth's Blogger Wikis: Add a facebook login button to your blogger using html code

Elizabeth's Blogger Wikis: Add a facebook login button to your blogger using html code - Simple method

People have been having issues with the above tutorial on adding a facebook login button to your Google Blog on Blogspot. After doing a little research and testing for myself, there is another way. If you are using a heavily scripted blog on blogspot then the above tutorial will not work and you will get one or both of the following errors:

  • An invalid API key was specified
  • A large ugly Facebook Logo Button
To fix this problem, unfortunately you are going to have to use the more difficult tutorial but the upside to this one is that there is logout button as well.  As you can see from mine on the top left when you log into Facebook from my site it works and you will also notice the logout option.

Step 1: Search for the code below and add code in red.....final look will be

<html expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection'

Step 2: Put the below code above </head>

<script src='http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php' type='text/javascript'/>

Step 3: Put this code above </body>

<script type='text/javascript'> 

To add your_api_key_here, click the above link to find out how to obtain an api_key.

Step 4: Save changes you are almost done!! 

Adding Facebook Connect-->>

<fb:login-button autologoutlink="True" length="short" background="white" size="large"></fb:login-button>

<fb:profile-pic uid="loggedinuser" facebook-logo="true" linked="false"></fb:profile-pic>

<fb:name uid="loggedinuser" useyou="false"/></fb:name>

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Make an Adobe PDF file from any document or website in Ubuntu

Adobe PDF files are supported widely among many websites, for filling in application, emailing documents and downloading manuals from various websites.  When creating an Adobe document it also gives you that feeling of security that it will be safe, because unlike many documents that you may email or post on a website, it cannot be edited like a Word Document possibly can. There are ways of creating a Word Document by setting the correct write protection properties but with an Adobe PDF file, there is very little maintenance in protection you document, which is great for a beginner.

In Ubuntu/Linux there is an option where you can print to file, but unlike windows it has the option of printing a file as a PDF document.  This feature is great when creating a Resume or maybe you would like to back up some emails for future reference.  In this tutorial I am going to show you how to, with ease, create an Adobe PDF file through your gmail account.

Step One:
Go into your GMail account and open the email you wish to print.

Step Two:
Click on the print icon in the top right corner of the email

Step Three:
A new window will open and the print dialog box will automatically open.  For other documents you can Click on File --> Print, the hot key would be ctrl+p

Step Four:
Select the option Print to file in the window as pictured below

Step Five:
Just below that you will see a box with Name and to the right of that you will have the option of selecting the radio box of either PDF or Postscript, select PDF.

Step Six:
Name your document, make sure that *.pdf file extension is included.

Step Seven:
Below the Name box is the default Save to folder, change that as necessary.

Click on the print button, you are finished converting your GMail email to an Adobe PDF File!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Add a Custom Google Search to your Google Blogpost

Adding a Custom Google Search to a website/blog can bring in extra revenue with a Google Adsense Account.  How it is used on your website/blog is the important part in earning revenue.  This tutorial will show you how to add a Custom Google Search to your Google blogpost and to learn how to make more use of a custom Google Search and earn extra revenue with Google Ad in a blogpost, click here to read more.

Step 1:

Go to your Google Adsense Account

Step 2:
Click on the My Ads Tab

Step 3:
Now click the link that says Search on the left pane

Step 4:
On the top click the tab that says New Custom Search Engine and fill in the fields as you wish.

Step 5:
Select Save and Get code and a iframe window will open, select the code, copy and than in the google blogpost where you want the code paste the code while you are in HTML mode when editing the post and your search bar will look like this.

Try mine out and enjoy!

Free tip:

Do you like how the eyeballs look on each side of my search bar pointing?  Once you have selected an image that suites your needs, add an image and than anchor each image on the left and right. To get them to fit on one line you may have to edit your Google Custom Search Engine size.   Once you have the images anchored, one on the left and the other on the right, just drag them to each side of the search bar.

To do this just change the character size from 55 characters to more or less, depending on your needs.


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